20 Social Media Habits That Are Technically Cheating

20 Social Media Habits That Are Technically Cheatings

1) Creating Fake Profile

While there’s always the chance that somebody has a fake Facebook profile for the sole purpose of online trolling, it’s likely a sign of more suspicious behavior. If your significant other has a fake social media profile, it’s far from out of bounds to ask them why it’s there and what exactly they need it for. 

2) Posting Flirty Photos

If your social media posts have gone from PG to NC-17 in a matter of weeks after someone you’re attracted to started following you, you might be social media cheating. Posting photos for the purpose of tempting someone other than your significant other isn’t exactly innocent, after all.

3) Using Code Names

If you’re renaming contacts in your phone or only communicating with people using fake names online, it certainly seems like you’ve got something to hide. If you’re being fully faithful with your partner, you shouldn’t feel the need to hide who you’re talking to. 

4) Constantly Checking Someone’s Statuses

Yes, even the most faithful partners will occasionally check in on an ex’s social media from time to time. However, if you’re constantly looking for updates and new photos, you’re taking time away from your partner and are on a slippery slope toward infidelity.

5) Following People You Want to Hook Up With

Following someone on Instagram solely because you think they’re hot is not as innocent as it sounds. If you don’t know someone, but choose to follow them for their looks alone, you’re admitting your attraction and trying to connect, neither of which are exactly above board.

6) Commenting On an Ex’s Photos

“Congrats!” on a photo of your ex’s new baby? Fine. Commenting, “Wish I was there with you!” on a photo of them sunbathing in a bikini? Not so innocent.

7) Sending Flirty DMs

Those flirty DMs you’re sending to your Twitter crush aren’t without repercussions. While you may be safely behind a screen, if your partner saw that you were telling someone else how hot they were, wouldn’t you consider it cheating?

8) Confiding in Someone Other Than Your Partner

Intimacy extends far beyond the physical. If you’re confiding in someone other than your partner and leaning on them for emotional support, you might be guilty of social media infidelity.

9) Reminiscing With an Ex

Many exes can be social media friends without incident. However, if your social media relationship with your ex starts going down the rabbit hole of rehashing all those great dates you had, your partner’s probably justified in feeling a little lied to.

10) Sending Pictures

Unless you’re asking a close friend to help you decide between outfits, sending photos of yourself to other people on social media should be generally considered off-limits in a monogamous relationship

11) Using Sexy Emojis

Just because you’re not using explicit language doesn’t mean you’re not crossing a line. Emojis can paint just as vivid a picture: an eggplant here and a donut there and you’re in hot water.

12) Messaging an Ex

If your ex still has a box of your stuff, by all means, message them to get it back. However, if you’re just sending them a message to check in or to catch up, don’t be surprised if your significant other is less than pleased 

13) Deleting Your Search History

If you feel the need to constantly erase evidence of who you’ve been looking up on social media, consider yourself busted. If you genuinely think there’s no problem with what you’re searching for on social media, there shouldn’t be any reason to hide it from your partner

14) Constantly Messaging Flirty Friends

It’s human nature to seek validation. However, if you’re constantly messaging friends who love nothing more than to flirtatiously remind you how hot or smart or funny you are, you’re wading into some murky territory in terms of fidelity 

15) Complimenting People’s Physical Appearance

There are plenty of ways to appreciate someone cute without actually offering up compliments. When you start leaving thirsty comments on people’s photos, however, you’re switching from being a passive and an active participant in a digital flirtation.


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