'Friends' Fans Recreate Chandler's Proposal

When a “Friends”-loving couple in the UK heard that FriendsFest was returning for its third year, they were delighted. The “Ultimate Friends  Experience” features full-scale apartment sets from the show along with props and memorabilia and Adam Fishlock had previously been to one with his girlfriend Claire Brierley, so these lovebirds knew it would be a good time.

But what Claire didn’t know is that Adam planned to use the  FriendsFest set of Monica and Chandler’s apartment to pop the question,  just like Chandler did on the sitcom. He says he knew it would be the  perfect place to propose because the event means so much to them both.

So this future groom recreated the whole scene, with candles lit all  around the room, just like the show. And just like Monica, she said yes!

"When Adam appeared from around the corner, went down on one knee,  and proposed, I couldn't believe he had done all this for me,” Claire  says. “It was such a magical moment, one that we will remember forever!"

Source: Digital Spy

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