There's Neuroscience Behind "Lucky Girl Syndrome"

Lucky Girl Syndrome.

It's all over social media.

What is it? Does it actually work?

Short answer? Yep.

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?

Well. There's not really a written definition because Lucky Girl Syndrome (LGS) can mean different things depending on the user.

Essentially, it's the power of positive thinking. Think good thoughts, and good things will happen. The law of attraction.

LGS is harnessed most popularly with the Tik Tok girlies through manifestation.

Does it actually work?

That's up for debate.

Laura Galebe credits LGS for everything she has. Galebe is a 22-year-old NYC creator who attributes her success the last two years to, you guessed it, LGS.

"There's literally no better way to explain it than it feels like the odds are completely in my favor. I'm constantly saying great things are always happening to me unexpectedly."

Mark Manson, however, isn't convinced.

Manson is the author of the best-selling self-help book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck.

"Maybe it makes you feel better today, but in the long run I don't think it's doing anybody any favors. There's a fine line between using it as a tool and adopting it as an identity or a fundamental, almost religious, belief in how the universe functions."

Life Coach Rachelle Indra says LGS is something science has proven works!

Indra says it has to do with your Reticular Activating System - or RAS.

Your RAS is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that filters information.

"So if you wake up and think GOD I AM SO TIRED THIS DAY IS GONNA SUCK...then it's like BAM THANK YOU I will filter all the information that comes into your brain for ways, times, events that actually suck and promote the fact that you are tired! But if you tell it something like I'M LUCKY, I'M PEACEFUL, it will start to look for that in your brain because that is what you have told it is important to you."

What do you think? Is Lucky Girl Syndrome legit?

Aly Mac co-hosts the B-93 Morning Show with Matt'n'Aly. Follow Aly on TikTokInstagramFacebook and Twitter.

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