Popular Michigan Eatery Serves The 'Most-Loved Dish' In The State

American Cincinnati Chili hot dog closeup in the paper. Horizontal

Photo: iStockphoto

Is your favorite food also the favorite food of many other Michiganders?

Let's find out!

There is one food in each state that ranks above the rest and one restaurant that serves it best. That is especially valid for Michigan's food of choice and the well-known establishment that offers it to patrons day after day.

According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the restaurant that serves the "most-loved" dish in the entire state is American Coney Island in Detroit. This restaurant is know for its iconic coney dog of course!

Here's what LoveFood had to say about the restaurant that serves the most beloved food in Michigan:

"A hot dog served in a steamed bun, coated in chili sauce, and topped with mustard and onions – that's a classic Michigan Coney dog. You'll find Coney dogs served across the state, but it's the 24-hour Greek diners that cook up the best. Various vendors claim to have invented the dish, but you can try some of the finest at American Coney Island in Detroit or at rival spot Lafayette Coney Island, just next door."

For a continued list of the most-loved dishes across the country and where to order them, check out LoveFood's full report.

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